Nick Boldly Shared – May 2021 Newsletter

Nick Boldly Shared – May 2021 Newsletter

Yesterday evening, our friend Nick was kidnapped by his family again and interrogated about his faith… He responded, “If this is my time to die, then I will die. But I have peace in my heart because I have found the truth.” His family then grabbed him and led him out of the house to stone him. As they led him away from the house, Nick closed his eyes and began to pray in the Spirit…

Hopeless No More – March 2021 Newsletter

Hopeless No More – March 2021 Newsletter

Hopeless No More “Die to yourself today, and gain true life for eternity,” I heard the pastor say. “Die to myself?” I thought, “what does that even mean?”. The only way I knew how to live was for myself. What did I need? What was best for me? How could I get ahead?...