
My Passion

I grew up in a family that loved God, but I didn’t. Going into college, I aimed to get a degree in film and move to Hollywood. I even told myself that I would only turn to God after I had my career. But in the middle of that journey, I attended a Chi Alpha service, which changed my life. I met my best friends and gained real brothers who helped lead me to God. I haven’t looked back since.

In my last year at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA), I was determined to use my education as a way out of Arkansas and move to California for film. But my roommate asked me to pray about doing a missionary internship with Chi Alpha. Even though I knew very little about it, I felt a call from God to do it. Interning with Chi Alpha changed my perspective on ministry and serving God. It was the most life-giving year I have ever experienced. I decided to make university ministry my career. After many years of discipling students at UCA, I finally followed God to the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) to plant Chi Alpha as the Campus Director. My passion is to see more students turn to God and grow in him at UAPB, as I experienced at UCA. 


Gregg’s Greeting

2022 US Missions Candidate Orientation - GO Conference
I have the privilege of working with Michael and those pictured here. The photo was taken in Springfield, MO, at the US Missions Candidate Orientation/GO Conference in September. All of these missionaries are Nationally Appointed. I recently finished working with just over half of this group, and the others I started working with this fall (including Michael). It’s exciting as he will pioneer at UAPB, an HBCU (Historically Black College and University), one of our target campuses.

We are THANKFUL for you and your support! You help provide the opportunity for me to disciple and equip these missionaries, as they prepare for their new ministry assignment (and most will pioneer a new campus). Our goal is that they will launch strong, fully-funded, on the university where God has called them to minister. Our heart is to reconcile students to Christ, transforming the university, the marketplace, and the world.

We appreciate you! Gregg-and-Erin-Glutting-National-Chi-Alpha-Campus-Ministries-Field-Resource-Support-Coach-and-Trainer-400
Gregg and Erin Glutting

National Field Resource
National Chi Alpha Campus Ministries
Support Coach and Training Specialist


Mobilizing Leaders to Reach Collegians for Christ!

acct #2294437

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