
Just Completed…

A big blessing about being a missionary is sharing your heart and vision for ministry. It’s exciting to have partners join you to accomplish God’s call and mission through prayer and financial support. [see pic – above]

Yet, at times missionaries experience a significant reduction of support which impacts their family and ministry. To assist our underfunded missionaries, we recently launched SPRINT (support raising in teams). This group of veteran leaders hailed from Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

The two-month intensive creates a community of leaders to become equipped, encouraged, and provide accountability. We just completed the first SPRINT, and it was a tremendous success. The missionaries’ new partners pledged over $70,000 of annual missions support. I’m excited for these missionaries, their ministries, and their new partners.

…at times missionaries experience a significant reduction of support which impacts their family and ministry. To assist our underfunded missionaries, we recently launched SPRINT (support raising in teams).


July 2021-SPRINTIn late May, we had a great zoom SRT (Support Raising Training). Most participants were CMITs (Campus Missionaries in Training). And we also had three AGWM (AG World Missionaries). How’s that for too many acronyms? The SRT is an 18-hour training.

These leaders hailed from 7 different states. The CMITers are mostly recent grads called into ministry. They will build their partnership team and become fully funded to begin their XA internship by September 1st. For the SRTs across the US that I oversee, we had 250 new missionaries participate.


  • National Program Summit – Aug 23-26, 2021, Springfield MO. Department leaders, prayer, vision, and planning.
  • Fall Candidate Orientation – Sept 18-21, 2021, Springfield, MO. Training new nationally appointed missionaries.

Gregg’s Greeting

THANK YOU for your partnership with us! I’m excited because your investment produces Kingdom fruit which is added to your account for eternal reward! And your prayer and financial support make a huge difference in our lives and the lives of these missionaries. Why equip leaders? Fully funded leaders have better home lives, excellence in ministry, and long-term ministry capability. Thank you for helping me raise up God’s missionary army to advance His Kingdom.

Gregg-and-Erin-Glutting-National-Chi-Alpha-Campus-Ministries-Field-Resource-Support-Coach-and-Trainer-400Enjoy your summer!
Gregg and Erin Glutting

National Field Resource
National Chi Alpha Campus Ministries
Support Coach and Training Specialist

6789 City View Dr,
Hudsonville, MI 49426

Mobilizing Leaders to Reach Collegians for Christ!

acct #229443

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