Dear Ministry Partner,
Strategic Gathering
Gregg (3rd from right, 3 deep) had an amazing experience in Orlando. He joined about 300 other Christian leaders from 110 organizations, sharing, praying, training and sharpening one another. We were equipped and inspired to flood the nations with Great Commission workers who are spiritually healthy, vision driven, and fully funded. A very strategic time with a very strategic group!
Big League Hitters!
The first evening Gregg had the pleasure of sitting with Steve Shadrach and Scott Morton during dinner. It was a delight to interact with these “Big League” leaders. In our XA national training we use books written by each of them, “The God Ask” and “Funding Your Ministry” respectively. Steve is sitting next to Gregg and Scott (inadvertently photo captured) is in the background fixing his dinner plate just before joining our table.
The conference was a tremendous help to Gregg. He received several key resources to advance Chi Alpha’s national development for our next group of missionaries starting mid-March 2018.
Prayer Requests
1. Webinar Training
Currently Gregg is leading a two-week training with 9 leaders from across the United States. They’ll receive about 15 hours of training. These missions leaders are from TN, MI, OH, AZ, WA and MD.
One leader is preparing his career in missions to the Antilles. Another is a physician and pastor, and is transitioning to do an inner city clinic mission.
Several other missionaries are church planters and inner city workers.
Please pray they will be well equipped and become quickly funded to do their mission.
2. U.S. Missions Spring Candidate Orientation 2018
Twenty-one new missionaries and their spouses will gather March 17-23, 2018 in Springfield MO. Eight of the twenty-one leaders are Chi Alpha missionaries, the rest come from five other U.S. Missions departments.
Please pray for excellence as these missionaries complete their pre-work over the next few weeks. Pray for a strong ministry presence of the Holy Spirit and favor on Gregg and the other trainers. Pray also for Gregg as he begins relationships with the 8 new XA leaders, to disciple and coach them.
3. Support Raising Trainings
We have 14 weekend sup port raising training events happening across the United States this spring that Gregg oversees and coordinates. We anticipate training more than 200 “entry level” missionaries.
These events begin the journey for many young leaders as God is raising up the next generation of university missionaries on campuses across America. Jesus said the key to kingdom growth is to pray
for laborers for the harvest.
Please pray for these young leaders and a move of God’s Spirit. Pray for the trainers leading each event. Please pray with us for the harvest to MULTIPLY on university campuses across the U.S!
Gregg’s Greeting
Gregg & Erin
THANK YOU for your faithful financial sup port! As you may know we were on a journey last year to return to full-funding. We were slowed down by a severe car accident about a year ago. But the Lord was faithful. We returned to greatly improved health and a significant increase in support.
We are so excited that with a couple of upcoming commitments, we anticipate being at 100% of our missionary budget by the end of this month.
We Love and Appreciate you!
Gregg & Erin
National Chi Alpha Campus Ministries
Support Raising Coach and Trainer
Hudsonville, MI
To support the Gluttings click:
type: 229443
(or mail contributions to:)
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries
6789 City View Dr, Hudsonville, MI 49426
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