

Our national news has been filled with hazing accounts in fraternities: pledgees getting drunk, injured, and even dying. Also, women have reported suffering from unwanted sexual advances, date rape drugs and sexual abuse.

There has been an outcry for change and even banning some fraternities all together. But what can be done?

Society’s answer is often more education and awareness, etc., which can help. Yet, getting to the real issue, getting to real change, is about getting to “heart” change.

There has been an outcry for change and even banning some fraternities all together. But what can be done?

Gregg & Erin Glutting-August 2018 Newsletter-Changed Hearts Changed Lives-1

The greatest change of hearts and lives I’ve ever seen comes when students yield their lives in faith to Jesus Christ. The answer for our university fraternities is to send missionaries and collegians to them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Last school year, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries saw thousands of students come to faith in Christ. Please pray with us for another tremendous life changing year for Christ in students’ lives, both in fraternities and on college campuses across America!


How To Help?

  1. Pray with us for this school year for the Lord to establish the next “great awakening”, a supernatural move of God’s Spirit.
  2. Pray for us to continue to raise up and send out Holy Spirit empowered missionaries on university campuses.



Gregg & Erin Glutting-August 2018 Newsletter-Changed Hearts Changed Lives-2 Chi Alpha leaders and families came together in July for their largest gathering to date. Every four years National Chi Alpha holds a four day Campus Ministers Conference. This year we had over 1200 attend.

Gregg enjoyed the teaching, worship and prayer time. And the relational time was especially encouraging as several leaders approached Gregg thanking him for his investment into their lives. One missionary shared, “Gregg, I would not have been able to minister on campus if it wasn’t for you”.


As we make ministry possible for many missionaries, you make ministering to them possible for us. THANK YOU!

Thank you for praying passionately and giving generously. You are making a difference in the lives of university missionaries and students throughout our nation!

Yours for the souls of collegians,

Gregg and Erin Glutting-Chi Alpha's National Support Raising-Support-Coach-and-Trainer

Gregg and Erin

THANK YOU for being a SPECIAL part of our TEAM!!!
XA National Field Resource Support Coach and Training Specialist

6789 City View Dr, Hudsonville, MI 49426
Support: – acct. #229443

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