
What do these individuals have in common?

Each one is a part of the Class of 2021 for national Chi Alpha’s Reach the University (RUI) staff training conference! Over 400 Campus Missionary-in-Training (CMIT) interns met in Springfield, MO, (June 2021) for a week of training and spiritual growth. In August, they began their 10-month CMIT internships hosted by local Chi Alpha directors on over 70 university campuses across the U.S.

And just imagine, a year from now, most of these leaders will start a career as Chi Alpha missionaries! Some will pioneer new groups, and others will become associate staff for existing ministries. Please pray for God to fulfill His divine plan through their lives.

Gregg’s Greeting

Fall “start-up” is an exciting time of the year! Students have arrived/returned to campus, as most campuses are “open for business.” Unfortunately, so is the enemy of their soul. As students carve out their lives and careers, they also make decisions about their destiny and eternity. Even more than ever, students are hurting inside and searching. The answer for their life is Jesus Christ.

  • Please pray with us for God to open hearts and change lives.
  • Pray for supernatural connections through the 1500 XA leaders and Christians on campus to reach the lost.
  • Pray for a spiritual awakening in our nation. Lord, let it begin in our homes, on our campuses, and in our churches across America.

Your prayer and financial support for our ministry is so appreciated. THANK YOU! You’ve impacted most of the leaders pictured above as they’ve gone through the training that I lead and oversee. Your support is launching the next generation of XA missionaries.

Fun fact: almost half of those pictured did not know Christ when they began their university experience. And now they are following the Lord into career missions!

Gregg and Erin Glutting

National Field Resource
National Chi Alpha Campus Ministries
Support Coach and Training Specialist


Mobilizing Leaders to Reach Collegians for Christ!

acct #229443

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Mobilizing Leaders – October 2018 Newsletter

Mobilizing Leaders …It is such a delight to mobilize and invest in leaders until they become funded and placed on a university campus. It’s also a great joy to see how the Lord impacts their heart and changes their lives through this process. Additionally, in September Gregg trained 19 missionary couples at US Missions Fall Candidate Orientation in Springfield, MO. Five departments were represented, and about half of the group were Chi Alpha leaders…

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries – Gregg and Erin Glutting – June 2018 Newsletter

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries – Gregg and Erin Glutting – June 2018 Newsletter

FROM VICTIM TO VICTOR – Christian Anderson, university missionary recently shared this story about a student he discipled. Cody suffered from a poor family upbringing. He felt insecure and a victim of his past. When Cody came to Skagit Valley College, WA he wanted a clean start and sought to find meaning in his life with girlfriend relationships…