Mack and Courtneychi-alpha-logo-red-300

135 Students

Every year, U.S. missionaries with Chi Alpha, like Mack and Courtney Clements, receive thousands of email addresses of incoming freshmen from their university admissions department. Mack and Courtney and their team at the University of Mississippi (UM) write to each freshman, scheduling one-on-one meetings with all students who want to learn more about Chi Alpha ministry on campus.

This year, Mack, Courtney, and the team decided to immediately share Jesus’ full story with every person they spoke to. Just a few weeks since the start of these meetings, they have been able to share the Gospel over 200 times, and 135 students have prayed to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

They have scheduled many more meetings over the next few weeks. Pray with us for a continued deepening of this incredible work the Holy Spirit is doing on the UM campus.

Inspire, Encourage, Challenge

Working with Ally Sarring, XA Co-Director, Penn West Edinboro Univ, PA, for the last six months has been a joy. She shared a testimony with me about what the coaching/discipleship process had meant to her…

Ally Sarring“At first, I honestly wasn’t sure what my experience with a support-raising coach would be like. I was a little nervous and a little skeptical. But after my time being coached by Gregg, I can confidently say that this was such a critical piece of my support raising journey. Gregg was there to inspire, encourage, and challenge. He is full of practical support raising wisdom while also giving ample space to process the real things going on in your heart and mind. It was such a blessing to be coached by him and to see how the Lord has anointed Gregg for this specific work. I always felt comfortable sharing my highs and lows of support raising with him and knew that he had my best interest in mind throughout the time working together!”


Gregg’s Greeting

Your prayer and support enable me to invest in missionaries like Ally. She has a great heart to reach her campus with the Gospel. As Ally is now fully funded, she has tremendous freedom to minister long-term as a career missionary. Thank you for helping me raise up a generation of collegiate missionaries! Please continue to pray for students’ lives to be transformed by Christ across America.
Gregg and Erin Glutting
Gregg & Erin Glutting

National Chi Alpha Campus Ministries
Support Raising Training and Coaching Specialist

Hudsonville, MI

Mobilizing Leaders to Reach Collegians for Christ!U.S. Missions

acct #229443

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