Our Vision…

Alex & Kasey Springer
“We believe the Lord has called us to see the gospel transform the University, the marketplace, and the world. For us, this starts at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Our vision is to impact the state of Alaska, Northwestern U.S., and the world by reaching and training up the next generation of disciple-makers.”
Testimony from the Springers:
Lucie came to UAF from an atheist family. They told her that they would rather her go to parties and drink underage than hang out with the Christians she met on campus. Lucie was far from God and had no desire to change.
Thankfully, Lucie’s dorm life was near the Chi Alpha friends she had met earlier. She quickly saw that there was more to Christians than she thought. These people genuinely cared about her and they weren’t manipulative or condemning like others had told her. As Lucie developed friendships in a discipleship small group, she began to recognize that God had been pursuing her for some time. After two months, Lucie dedicated her life to Jesus and was baptized.
Over the next three years, Lucie became a small group leader with Chi Alpha. She began to love others and share Christ with the same intentionality as others had ministered to her. For the rest of her time at University, she continued to make disciples for Christ. After graduation, Lucie now leads a discipleship group with her husband through their church.
This story is not unique to Lucie; every year Christ transforms thousands of college students through discipleship ministry on campuses across the U.S. And just like Lucie, our passion is to see these new believers, grow in the Lord, and become a strong part of the local church after they graduate.
Missionary leaders who are called and sent to their campus mission field are making a difference. The Springers are one of 12 missionaries from the September 2024 Candidate Orientation. The March 2025 class has 13 missionaries. As I disciple and coach these missionaries, I am often reminded that you are helping me raise up this next generation of Nationally Appointed career missionaries to reach even more students like Lucie. Thank you for your prayer and financial support! YOU are expanding God’s Kingdom on university campuses, in the marketplace, and through churches across America!
Yours for the souls of collegians,
Gregg and Erin Glutting
National Chi Alpha Campus Ministries
Support Raising Training and Coaching Specialist
Hudsonville, MI
Mobilizing Leaders to Reach Collegians for Christ!
acct #2294437 or National Chi Alpha – 2294437, 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield MO 65802