Christian Anderson, university missionary recently shared this story about a student he discipled. Cody suffered from a poor family upbringing. He felt insecure and a victim of his past. When Cody came to Skagit Valley College, WA he wanted a clean start and sought to find meaning in his life with girlfriend relationships. His relationships did not bring him peace, instead left him feeling empty inside and struggling with depression.
When Cody came to Chi Alpha, he found a group of people who were “real” in their relationships and loved him for who he was. They also began sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and invited him to experience a real relationship with God.
When Cody chose to follow Christ, he went from a victim to a victor and his life completely changed. After being discipled in Christ for a year, he began actively sharing his faith. He also became a disciple-maker, pouring his life and walk with the Lord into the lives of those he led to Christ. Cody has recently graduated from SVC and has changed his career plans. He feels the Lord calling him to become a university missionary and has begun his 12-month training as a CMIT (Campus Missionary In Training) intern.
Your prayer and financial support is helping to reach more students like Cody. THANK YOU!
Gregg’s Greeting
From the new group of missionaries I’m discipling, (from Spring Candidate Orientation), here is a partial list of campuses where they will soon be working as full time career missionaries:
- Buffalo State College, NY
- Oregon State University, OR
- Frostburg State University, MD
- Indiana State University, IN
- Oklahoma State University, OK
An interesting note: back in the early 80’s, Gregg went to Buffalo State College with a group of students as a missions outreach to pray for the campus and to share the gospel. Now over 30 years later, Gregg is discipling a new missionary who will plant ministry on that same campus. This is a great answer to prayer from 30 years previous!
New Website:
We are delighted to announce our new website! We are so thankful that the Lord spoke to one of our financial support team members to fund a personal website, featuring our Chi Alpha ministry. Check it out!
This website will help us grow our support team and minister to more missionaries globally.
Prayer Needs:
- National Chi Alpha CMC (Campus Minister’s Conference) staff conference: July 23-27.
- National Support Coaching Network
Gregg’s 2018 initiative to raise up and train leaders who will disciple staff across the nation
THANK YOU for being a SPECIAL part of our TEAM!!!
XA National Field Resource Support Coach and Training Specialist
6789 City View Dr, Hudsonville, MI 49426
Support: – acct. #229443
More Newsletters...
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries – Gregg and Erin Glutting – April 2018 Newsletter
Great Lakes SALT Conference – We had a tremendous group of XA students and staff from the Great Lakes Area gather to seek the Lord in Chicago (see featured image, above). We had great times of worship, preaching and breakout training sessions. Over 700 attended. Gregg enjoyed his time sharing and praying with students during this MLK weekend event….
Gregg & Erin Glutting – February 2018 Prayer Letter
Dear Ministry Partner, Strategic Gathering Gregg (3rd from right, 3 deep) had an amazing experience in Orlando. He joined about 300 other Christian leaders from 110 organizations, sharing, praying, training and sharpening one another. We were equipped and...
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries – Gregg & Erin Glutting – September 2017 Prayer Letter
Whirlwind Across the Nation – Right now there is a whirlwind of activity on every campus in the nation, both physically and spiritually! In the unseen realm there is a battle going on for the souls of collegians. Thousands of freshman on each campus arrive excited but soon become bewildered and vulnerable… As students move onto campus and classes begin, university ministries are in “high gear”. Welcome week, dorm move-ins, barbecues…